Sunday, November 30, 2014

Joshua's Cell Size and Diffusion Argument

Joshua Everett
AP Biology
Mr. Hammer
December 1, 2014
Cell Size and Diffusion Argumentation
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration. This process is extremely important because it helps living things maintain homeostasis in which nutrients are brought into cells while waste flows out of them. Depending on this, cells will continue to shrink and swell in size. The size of these cells are a great factor in how many molecules move in and out of the cell and at what speed. Many scientists today have wondered why cells are so particularly small in organisms. In this lab activity, my lab partners and I had the responsibility for choosing an explanation to why cells are so small. Explanation 1 stated that cells that have a larger surface area to volume ratio are more efficient at diffusing essential nutrients. Explanation 2 stated that the rate of diffusion is related to cell size in which nutrients diffuse at a faster rate through small cells than they do through large cells. After serious analyzation of the results of this activity the explanation that I decided to argue for explanation two.
My lab partners were successful in proving this statement through an activity performed using agar to construct model cells. Agar is a gel-like substance that is easy to cut into variety of shapes. Agar, in this case, is blue and contains phenolphthalein so when it comes into contact with an acid, it changes to a color similar to being clear. Because agar has properties in which chemicals are able to diffuse through it, I am able to see how far an acid diffuses into my model cell.
Continuing on, I cut the agar into four different rectangular prisms that have different dimensions, two being relatively big and two being relatively small. After we measured out the dimensions of the prisms we proceeded by placing the prisms into a plastic container with a weak acidic solution, called vinegar. As soon as we placed the pieces into the vinegar, a stopwatch was started to record the how long it will take the diffusion process to start and how long the process will take for the model cell to become completely clear. At approximately 7.3 seconds, diffusion and a color change was evident. The prisms were left in the vinegar for as long as time permitted and were taken out at approximately 32.9 minutes. The prisms were in the process of diffusing so in the middle of each of the cells was a leftover blue prism in the center. Anticipating that the dimensions of the inner prism would be useful, we recorded the measurements in data tables.
This is a table that depicts the dimensions of the prisms before diffusion began. 
This is a table that depicts the dimensions of the inner blue prisms after diffusion was stopped.  

After the experiment was completed, I calculated the surface area and the volume for each of the four original blue prisms and each of the inner blue prisms after diffusion was stopped. The surface area equation is as follows: 2(WL+HL+WH) and the volume equation is length times width times height. 
This is a table depicting the surface area for the prisms before the diffusion started.
This is a table depicting the surface area for the inner blue prisms after diffusion was stopped.
This is a table depicting the volumes of the original prisms before diffusion. 
This is a table depicting the volumes of the inner prisms after diffusion was stopped. 

From these two calculations for both sets of four prisms, I was able to form surface area to volume ratios. For the original prisms, prism 1 had a ratio of 10 : 3 (3.33), prism 2 had one of 48.3 : 20.825 (2.32), prism three had one of 46.9 : 19.6 (2.39), and prism 4 had a ratio of 18.6 : 5.415 (3.43).
After I calculated these ratios, I proceeded to calculate the diffusion rates for these cubes. In order to develop the equations for diffusion rates, visualization was key. With the help of Mr. Hammer, my group members and I were able to use equations to find the rate of diffusion for each side of each prism.
This is the diagrams that Mr. Hammer drew for my group in order to see a better view of  what each equations was finding. 

Towards the bottom of the picture, there are three equations that were used for all four prisms. In each equation, the dimensions of the original prisms and the inner prisms are utilized. Subtraction of the either the length, width, or height is to find the distance inner prism to the outer prism depending on the dimensions being dealt with. Dividing by two is necessary because by doing that, the true distance on either side of the prism is found. Overall the process to find the distance between each side of each prism is shown below:
How to Calculate Cube Diffusion Distances
side one= big length - small length/ 2
side two= big width - small width/ 2
side three= big height - small height/ 2  
*repeat for all prisms*
This is a data table depicting all the side distances between each original prism and its inner prism.

Once all the distances of each side was found, the averages of the distances of the sides for each prism were calculated. For prism 1 is was 0.5, for prism two it was 0.53, for prism 3 it was 0.53, and for prism 4 it was 0.57. These averages were then used to calculate the average rates of diffusion for each of the cubes. The time that diffusion stopped was at 32 minutes and 9 seconds which is actual 1,929 seconds. I divided the average of each prism by 1,929 to determine the average rate. The average diffusion rates for each of the prisms is shown below:
This is a data table depicting the average diffusion rates for each of the cubes.

After analyzing my results, I saw that there was a direct relationship with the surface area to volume ratio with the diffusion rate within the original prisms. As the surface area to volume ratio increases, the diffusion rate increases as well, for example, prism 2 and 3 have a surface to volume ratio of 2.32 and 2.39 respectively. The diffusion rate for both prisms is 0.000276 cm/sec. In addition, prism 2 had had 15% of its cell not diffused with vinegar and prism 3 have 23% of its cell not diffused by vinegar. Prism 4 has the highest ratio of 3.43 and has the highest diffusion rate of .000294 cm/sec. Also, it only had 4.2% of its cell not diffused by vinegar. This means that about 96% of the cell was diffused with vinegar which is higher than prisms 2 and 3 which says that prism 4 had a higher diffusion rate than prism 2 and 3 because they only had 85% and 77% of its cell diffused respectively. There is an increase in the diffusion rates as the surface area to volume ratios increase. This means that as the diffusion rates increases, the efficiency of the cell increase as well being it is able to diffuse molecules into or out of the cell faster. A cell having a larger surface area to its volume is highly beneficial not just because it will have a higher diffusion, but its the perks of having a high diffusion rate. With a higher diffusion rate, more nutrients are able to enter the cell while wastes are leaving the cell. A larger surface area lead to a higher diffusion rate because there is more cell membrane that is semi-permeable in which it allows molecules in and out of the cell.This property makes a cell highly efficient because it is able to maintain a cell’s homeostasis in which more nutrients are entering the cell more quickly while also removing unwanted waste from a cell in a timely fashion. An increase metabolism for the cell is extremely important for a cell to continue performing its function within living organisms. Overall, explanation 1 is most valid.
Explanation two states that the rate of diffusion is related to cell size in which nutrients diffuse at a faster rate through small cells than they do through large cells. This is not an acceptable statement because it is not fully supported by the data collected. prism 1, in particular, fits the patterns of that there is an increase in the surface area to volume ratios however, its diffusion rate does fit within the pattern. We would expect the diffusion rate of prism 1 to be somewhere between 0.000276 and 0.000294 but instead its rate it 0.000259. Prism one is considered to be one of the two smaller prisms but its diffusion rate makes it seem that the prism is an extremely large cell when it is not. This finding led to me to conclude that explanation two is not true in all extents. On the other hand, there could have been a human error in the process of handling prism one in the experiment. Overall, explanation two is not acceptable or valid.

Jazmean's Cell Size and Diffusion Argumentation

Cell Size and Diffusion Argumentation

Diffusion is the random motion of atoms or molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Diffusion is a mode of passive transport for cells because no energy is required for it to happen. Cells use diffusion in order to move atoms or molecules in and out of the cell. Through this process, a cell can expel waste or gain vital nutrients and at the same time, grow or shrink in size. Despite this, cells are never bigger than a grain a salt (which is 0.5 mm), but can be as small as 6.5 nano meters (which is the size of hemoglobin). So this begs the question, "Why are cells so small?". This is what my group members and I investigated in class. We were presented with two explanations as to why cells are small.  Explanation 1 stated that cells that have a larger surface area to volume ratio are more efficient at diffusion essential nutrients. Explanation 2 stated that the rate of diffusion is related to cell size and that nutrients diffuse at a faster rate through small cells than they do through large cells. Due to the data that was collected, there is no clear explanation that is the most valid or acceptable. 

Our group had the follow materials available for us to use: Agar (a green/blue gelatinous substance that is obtained from algae), weak acid (vinegar), beakers, a stopwatch, rulers, and plastic knives. The agar was in a container. We took the agar from the container and cut the agar into cube-like shapes (in reality they are rectangular prisms).  

Displayed are the measurements of the cubes: 
Cubes (Before Diffusion) (Outer Cube)
1 (Small)
2 cm
2 cm
1.5 cm
2 (Big)
3.5 cm
3.5 cm
1.7 cm
3 (Big)
3.5 cm
3.5 cm
1.6 cm
4 (Small)
1.9 cm
1.9 cm
1.5 cm
We then placed the cubes into a container filled with vinegar at the same time. When the cubes hit the vinegar, the stopwatch started to keep time. At 7.3 seconds, the color started to change. Due to time restrictions, we were not able to have our cubes be fully diffused. At 32 minutes and 9 seconds, we stopped the experiment and pulled the cubes out.

Because of the time restrictions and our cubes not being fully diffused, we had to take measurements of the cube not diffused yet. 

Not Diffused Cube Measurements (inner cube)
1 (Small)
1 cm
0.8 cm
0.7 cm
2 (Big)
2.5 cm
2.5 cm
0.5 cm
3 (Big)
2 cm
2.5 cm
0.9 cm
4 (Small)
0.9 cm
0.5 cm
0.5 cm

We then had to calculate the diffusion rates. We had to calculate the distance of the length, width, and height out each outer and inner cube by subtraction the big length from the small length and dividing that number by
Explanation given to my group by Mr. Hammer

How to Calculate Cube Diffusion Rates (Repeat for all Cubes)

side one= big length - small length/ 2
side two= big width - small width/ 2
side three= big height - small height/ 2  

Displayed below is the results.


We then averaged the length, width, and height in order to make the process easier. And to find the rate, we took the averages and divided it by the time the cubes stayed in the vinegar. The time was changed from minutes into seconds. So instead of it being 32.9 minutes, the time was changed to 1,929 seconds. 

Averaged Diffusion Rates

Rate of Diffusion
Cube 1
.000259 cm/sec.
Cube 2
.000276 cm/sec.
Cube 3
.000276 cm/sec.
Cube 4
.000294 cm/sec.
In addition to calculating the rates of diffusion of each cube, we also calculated the surface area and volume of each cube. If you compile all the data into one chart, this is what it looks like:

Surface Area
Ratio (SA to V)
Rate of Diffusion
1 (small)
10 : 3 (3.33)
.000259 cm/sec
2 (big)
48.3 : 20.825  (2.32)
.000276 cm/sec
3 (big)
46.9 : 19.6   (2.39)
.000276 cm/sec
4 (small)
18.6 : 5.415   (3.43)
.000294 cm/sec
As you can see by our final data table, we have conflicting data. For Explanation 1 to be the most valid, the cubes with a larger surface area to volume ratio should have a faster rate of diffusion. This would be true if Cube 1 was not apart of the data table. Cube 1 has a surface area to volume ratio of 10 : 3 and has a rate of diffusion of .000259 cm/sec. However, Cube 2 and 3 have a ratio of 48.3 to 20.825 and 46.9 to 19.6 (respectively) and a rate of diffusion of .000276 cm/sec. Cube 2 and 3's ratios are smaller than Cube 1's but their rate of diffusion is faster than that of Cube 1's. This means that Cube 2 and 3 would be more efficient in diffusion nutrients to the center of the cell than Cube 1. Despite this, Cube 2 and 3 have a smaller surface area to volume ratio and a slower rate of diffusion compared to Cube 4. Cube 2, 3, and 4 support Explanation 1. 
For Explanation 2 to be the most valid, the smaller cubes would have a faster diffusion rate compared to the larger cubes. Cube 4 is the one of the small cubes and it does have a faster diffusion rate compared to the larger cubes. However, Cube 1 is also one of the small cubes but it does not have a faster diffusion rate compared to the larger cubes. 

If you were to ignore Cube 1, Explanation 2 would be the most valid explanation. Cube 3 has a larger surface area to volume ratio, but has the same rate of diffusion has Cube 2. This would disprove Explanation 1. However, because the difference between the ratio is not drastic, one could infer that the small difference would not effect the rate of diffusion drastically either. Because of the conflicting data, I would not feel right as a scientist to call for one side. Further trials need to be conducted in order to solidify the data in order to pinpoint which Explanation is the most acceptable. 

Further Thoughts
These explanations can go hand in hand if you think about it. If you increase the surface area to volume ratio of a cube for example, the size of the cube gets decreases. This is the same for a cell. If you increase the SA to V ratio of a cell, its size decreases. A large SA to V ratio limits how big a cell can get. If a large SA to V ratio makes diffusion more efficient for a cell, it might make sense as to why people think smaller cells diffuse faster than larger cells; it's because their surface area to volume ratio is large. 

Jube's Cell Size and Diffusion Argumentation

Olajube Aladewolu
Cell Size and Diffusion Augmentation
Cells that have a larger surface area to volume ratio are more efficient at diffusing essential nutrients. My partners and I tested this by cutting the bacteria into rectangular prisms. Some of them were small, and some of them were large. We then observed how long each of them took to soak up the vinegar they were placed in. Initially, the small rectangular prisms had the following dimensions:

2 cm
1.5 cm
1.5 cm
4.5 cm3
surface area:
16.5 cm2

The large rectangular prisms had the following dimensions:

4 cm
1.5 cm
2.5 cm
15 cm3
surface area:
39.5 cm2

After sitting in the vinegar for 27 minutes (the bacteria changed color from blue to yellow as the vinegar diffused into it) the following dimensions of the blue bacteria was observed (the vinegar has not diffused into this portion yet) :

.25 cm3
1.5 cm3
surface area:
2.5 cm2
10 cm2

surface area to volume ratio in the small bacteria= 3.67
surface area to volume ratio in the large bacteria=  2.63
rate of diffusion= .019 cm/sec

In the small bacteria, 94.34% of the volume turned yellow, and 90% of the volume turned yellow in the larger bacteria.

Essentially, our data showed us that there is more efficient diffusion in the smaller bacteria because it had a larger surface area to volume ratio. The larger bacteria had a smaller surface area to volume ratio of 2.63 when compared to the smaller bacteria’s ratio of 3.67 which made it a little bit harder for the vinegar to get to its center. This evidence is important and relevant because it shows that the smaller bacteria  is an at advantage when trying to obtain nutrients from outside sources. Evidently, the smaller bacteria works more efficiently to obtain it’s vital nutrients than the larger bacteria as it allowed more of the vinegar to freely pass through. Hence, cells are so small because nutrients need to be able to freely pass through them. When cells have a smaller surface area to volume ratio, they’ll be able to get what they need in a more efficient manner because the nutrients won’t have to travel as much to get to its center. In comparison, the small blue bacteria that was left in the center of the yellow bacteria after twenty- seven minutes had smaller dimensions (1cm x .5cm x .5cm) when compared to the dimensions of the larger blue bacteria that was left in the center of the yellow bacteria (3cm x 1cm x .5cm). Hence, nutrients are able to diffuse more efficiently into cells with a larger surface area to volume ratio.
In comparison, many argue that the rate of diffusion is directly related to cell size. They feel that nutrients diffuse at a faster rate through small cells than they do through large cells. However, this is invalid as it is not the case because both the small and large rectangular prism shaped bacteria have the same rate of diffusion of .019 cm/sec. Hence, nutrients in a cell diffuse at the same rate, however their efficiency is based on how big or small their surface area to volume ratio is. In a cell, the membranes are specialized to allow materials in and out of it; therefore, there’s slowing down the rate of diffusion in the larger cells. In essence, both of the bacteria (agar) are made up of the same membranes so there are no differences in their rates of diffusion. Thus, it is unacceptable to state that the rate of diffusion is related to cell size.